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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


{You wake up in your bed, early in the morning, and call out to your family, as your home appears deserted}

[Outfit gained: Pajamas]

You walk around Your Bedroom and jump on the bed. It is springy, and you jump up and touch the ceiling, before falling off into a box.

[Item gained: Paintbrush]

You hold onto paintbrush, knowing it could be useful. Also, it is very exciting to have an item, as it is your first.

[Item saved to inventory: Paintbrush]

You run to your Parent’s Bedroom, hoping to find evidence of your family’s disappearance. Quincy the Cat appears, and attempts to claw you, with (claw) attack. You retrieve the Paintbrush from your inventory, and throw it at her with (throw)

[Paintbrush removed from inventory]

You run from the room, hoping to avoid any further conflict with Quincy the Cat. You run downstairs to the garage for a quick workout, why not? As you run through the garage door and down the steps to the gym equipment, Hunter Myers bursts through the door carrying a BB gun. He is blocking your way to the gym equipment, and wants to engage you in dialogue.

Hunter: Hello, you bum! I hope you weren't looking to increase your strength with this gym equipment!
Andy: Please Hunter, I need to use it!
Hunter: Do you really? Because I think you are too WEAK to use it! Haha! Too weak!
Andy: ……
Hunter: Oh, playing the silent hero I see! Well, how about I make your silence PERMANENT!

Hunter Myers

Hunter raises his BB gun and uses (shoot). A BB hits you, lowering your health by 1%. You turn and run, looking for an item to help you defeat this boss. You run to the freezer, and open it, hoping to find something useful inside.

[Item gained: Frozen Cupcakes]

You use (throw) to pelt Hunter Myers with cupcakes, doing minor damage. Hunter aims and fires a BB into your butt, lowering your health by 20%. You use (crush) on your cupcakes.

[Weapon created: Shrapnel Cupcakes]

You (throw) an upgraded cupcake at Hunter Myers, and it breaks into frozen crumby shrapnel. You hit Hunter Myers directly in the face, and you run in to deal some extra damage, all the while throwing cupcakes at him. You look despairingly at your hands, as your throw the last cupcake.

[Item removed: Shrapnel Cupcakes]

As you try to throw the final blow, Hunter Myers uses his special attack (bash) and hits you with the butt of his gun. You fall into a pile of junk, and your hand grasps something that you hope will be useful

[Item gained: Machete]

This feels too drastic for the time being, so you quickly add it to your inventory and search for another weapon.

[Item saved to inventory: Machete]
[Item gained and saved to Inventory: Rat Skeleton]
[Item gained: Paint Can]

You splash paint into Hunter Myers Face with (splash) and take this opportunity of [temporary blindness of 89% done to Hunter Myers] and you punch him in the shin. He goes down, and this was clearly the final blow. Hunter Myers staggers backwards, falling through the doorway. You engage him in dialogue.

Andy: Are we done fighting? I thought we were best friends!
Hunter: Best friends! Ha! We were, and then you stole my copy of [Call of Duty: Black Ops 2] and played it all night!
Andy: I didn’t do that! I have that game, I don’t even need to steal yours! Plus I stopped playing violent video games, remember?
Hunter: That’s right! That is why we can’t be friends! You don’t play video games with me anymore! I hate you!
Andy: Fine, I guess you are an admirable foe. Do you know anything about my family’s disappearance? I need to find them!
Hunter: I will never tell you! NEVEEEEEEEEEE……EEEEEER!!!!

As hunter says this, he runs away, jumping into his [Golf Cart] and speeding down your driveway. You puzzle at his defiance, but you feel something coming to you from inside yourself: An experience point!!
[Gained 1 Self-Respect point]

Hunter Myers has been beaten

You go to your gym, and do a quick workout comprised of karate chops, ninja jumps, fist bumps, and squats.
[Agility increased by 1]
[Strength increased by 1]

Your [Pajamas] are now dirty and covered in bullet holes. You run upstairs to The Laundry room, hoping to find something nice to wear, and reach into the washing machine.

[Outfit gained: Flowery Dress]

You turn and see yourself in a mirror, and scream at the sight. You quickly throw off the [Flowery Dress].

[Outfit gained: Birthday Suit]

You strut around proudly in your [Birthday Suit], until a chill sets in, and you run to your closet. After searching through your wardrobe, you settle with a very stylish outfit.

[Items gained: Captain America T-Shirt-Skater Jeans-Blue Boxers-Converse Shoes]
[Outfit created: Captain America costume (All skills are upgraded by 2)]

You suddenly have an urgent feeling, and run to the Bathroom and use (pee). Feeling very relieved, you run downstairs, and search the fridge for something to eat.

[Item added to Inventory: Eggs]

You take your [Eggs] and combine them with a nearby [Skillet], creating [Scrambled Eggs]. A delicious breakfast.

[Item used: Scrambled Eggs]

Feeling rejuvenated, you walk to the front door, hoping to get some fresh air. Opening the front door, you are greeted with a message, floating in front of your face.

Congratulations! You have beaten the basic tutorial by picking up items, eating breakfast, getting dressed, defeating a boss, and heading outside! These are basic survival tools that you will utilize throughout this game, but there are many other tutorials to complete. Would you like to complete other tutorials to help you on your journey?
YES ___ NO

You immediately select no, because tutorials are boring and nobody uses them.

[1 Intelligence point lost]